Conversion World is an online community of Conversion Optimizers, Experimentation nerds, analytics whizzkids and A/B testing connoisseurs. It is a global collective that interacts virtually through the forums, virtual CRO roundtables and the online conference.
It was started in 2015 as a virtual conference (the first of its kind in the CRO space) and evolved into a Slack group. However, as time would reveal, Slack was ok for ad-hoc conversations but not for a way of storing all the knowledge from those conversations.
Conversion World has relaunched in 2020 with more focussed initiatives to help CROs around the world connect, network and learn from each other.
Conversion World, whilst run by the folks at Effective Experiments, is an independent CRO community
Want to connect and network with other like-minded CROs around the world, learn and share your own knowledge?
Conversion World is that online community that will be there to help and support you as a CRO.
You will get to mingle with knowledgeable folk. You will be able to join us on virtual roundtables, exclusive training sessions and conferences.
Joining is FREE.